Life as a Fully Virtual Student

Jack Till, Staff Writer

Every day, I wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to school, all while never leaving my house. Why don’t I go to school, you ask? This is because I am an all-virtual student this year at George Washington (GW). While most students are at school at least a few days a week, I never go to school in-person. 

First off, I’ve only stepped into the GW school building once in the past 7 months. Yes, March 11, 2020, was the last day I went to in-person school at GW. I was in 6th grade then. Like the rest of us, I completed the school year at home via distance learning.  

I’m in 7th grade now, and despite getting to know them well via Google Meet, I have never ever met my teachers in person.  Well, other than Mrs. Medley, my chorus teacher who I had last year. I haven’t seen a lot of friends and classmates since March. I haven’t eaten in the cafeteria or hung out outside during rec.  In fact, the only time I have been at GW this year was for two minutes a few weeks ago to get my school picture taken.

Three things that I love about school from home:

  • I have a very short walk between classes.
  • I get to see my family more.
  • I can immediately see my scores on online multiple-choice tests and simple math tests.


Three things I miss about GW in-person school:

Jack Till, grade 7, is a fully virtual student.
  • I miss seeing my friends in person.
  • I miss doing P.E. with other people
  • I miss the Mac and Cheese dish at lunch.  


Even though I have gotten used to being a 100% virtual student, I am looking forward to the day where everyone can be at school 100% of the time.