The Track 1A Saga

Are the smart kids really just ‘smart kids’?

Sarah Bensaid, Staff Writer

 The Track 1A kids, commonly known as ‘gifted and talented’ or the ‘smart class,’ aim to meet up with the expectations set not by only their teachers, peers, and parents, but themselves. 

Although the title seems grand, Track 1A kids really are just typical kids. The classes they take and the amount of homework they get doesn’t separate them from being 11-14-year-olds.

People always tend to compare themselves to students in the Track 1A classes, but just because someone is not in a higher level class does not mean that they are not smart. 

Teachers always push the idea that every student is special in their own way. Despite their constant reminders, people don’t tend to believe it. It may sound cheesy, but in all honesty, it is true. Even if one person’s grades are better than another’s, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are more intelligent. Someone who understands the topic well could manage to get a lower grade than someone who didn’t.  There are so many different instances where ‘intelligence’ is not so easily determined. 

The big difference that puts certain kids in higher leveled classes is that they are able to work to their full potential. It is their hard work and effort that got them where they are. School and life is supposed to be a challenge. Challenges have to be overcome and acknowledged. This puts everyone in the same place.

Everyone is gifted, everyone is talented, and everyone is special in their own way. The only person who determines your ability is yourself.

 It is hard not to judge someone based on their labels or reputation. With just a glance or observation, you can’t guess what someone else is going through. It is possible they could be experiencing the same same thing that you are dealing with. Everyone is gifted, everyone is talented, and everyone is special in their own way. The only person who determines your ability is yourself. Once you give in to someone’s speculation about you, only then can you believe or become something you are not.